About Agora
We are thrilled to announce the return of Agora Magazine after a six-year hiatus! To say a lot has changed since our last issue would be a drastic understatement, and our latest edition comes amid a rapidly shuffling global landscape that threatens to reshape the world order. One of the most important rights of American citizens is the right to vote—and vote they did, steering the nation onto a new course with the historic election of Donald Trump in November. The decisions made at the ballot box will reverberate far beyond the nation’s borders; in this issue, we examine its impacts on U.S. policy in Israel with “Divided We Fall” by Aaron Shone, while Will Stover’s “BRICS Breaks Down Dollar Diplomacy” details the steps America needs to take to bolster its flagging dollar against the rise of transnational currencies. Closer to home, “It’s Time for Women in Mexico” by Jasmine Kwak sheds light on the policies of Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s first female president, while “Russia’s African Reach” by Africa deskhead Amalia Tormala discusses combating Russian paramilitary advances on the continent. Whether it’s adapting to economic fluxes or responding to evolving warfare tactics, the decisions made by the United States reveal much about its priorities and values. With this issue, we are excited to once again provide a platform for the students of PALY to inform and express their opinions about American foreign policy, on topics that often overlook youth voices. You can find our articles on our online platform at palyagora.com. We would also love to hear your comments and questions on our latest issue in order to foster greater community discussion on these important issues, so please feel free to reach out to palyagoramagazine@gmail.com. Enjoy!
— Holden Lee and Lucas Yuan, Editors-in-Chief